Fish Farming Business

Category: Fish farming

Today fish farming becomes very popular on the industrial scale. Fish is being grown in certain conditions and then being sent on sale at markets, supermarkets and other POS. In this case, the installation of closed water supply is used most commonly. This system is very expensive, but it will increase the farm income through enhanced level of production. However, there are farms aimed at restoring populations of different species.

Breeding fish in natural and artificial conditions

fish farming scheme

Possible fish breeding for sale or restoring populations of different species:
1. In natural conditions (pond fish breeding).
2. In the pool (method is suitable for growing salmon, carp, bream, perch or  pike).
3. In the hatcheries (for the big fish).
4. In the barrels or baths with an artificial system of air aerating.

The outdoor pools and ponds are also used in this business, buttheir installation and support depends first of all on the location, characteristics of the ground and climatic conditions. Fish farming intend for breeding of various species of fish, such as sturgeon, trout, catfish and many others. They can provide different volumes of growing from 100 to more than 10,000 tons per year.

The operating principle of fish farms

Fish do not only breed, but also grow on the farm. In other words, the farms buy fingerlings, which grow to the desired size and then they sell adult fish. Caviar, intended for the withdrawal fingerlings is very expensive product if to buy it; it would be very difficult to get a good percentage of its output. Therefore, fingerlings growth — this is a very specific business, which some experts are engaged. At each stage of the growth of fish, must take into account the specifics of its food and water preferences. Some species of fish are predators and they need cold running water, other fish need warmer conditions and cereal feed.

Mechanism of fish pool workfish farming in pools

Large fish farms consist of production modules. Each module has a water circulation system and a pump system, water treatment (filters) and the distributing channel. The constructive possibility provides the water discharge from each module, specifically designed for this pool. Specialized systems are designed to be able to dissolve the oxygen. The temperature maintaining of the water can be carried out due to side warmth from blocks or other heat sources. Carefully designed monitoring system will monitor the water quality in all capacitance of the system.

Installations of close water supply provides a complete process of growing fish, these systems are the most popular now. because they are comfortable, spacious and bring more income (but require a lot of investments). Installations of close water supply create an artificial environment, approximate to the natural, exclude winter modes and accelerate the process of population growth.

Such installation requires many components such as:

  1. Pool.
  2. The filtration system — mechanical and biological.
  3. The group of pumps for supplying purified water.
  4. Nitrification installation.
  5. The installation of acidity adjustment.
  6. Oxygenators for saturating the water with oxygen.
  7. Thermal generators.

Installation of closed water supply is more profitable than artificial ponds and water reservoirs for fish breeding:

  • Do not applies damage for the environment;
  • Ability to control the production process;
  • Growing fish all over the year;
  • Production costs do not depend on natural factors;
  • Intensive fish farming with full control of diseases;
  • Possibility to install complex in places with extreme climate.

The organization of the own pond or pool is associated with some difficulties, such as:

  • Administrative barriers. Rent must be agreed with the local authorities, a bureaucratic process is long. And if the reservoir has the status of a nature monument, it can not be rented.
  • Small periods of products storage. In spite of the freezers, customers want to get fresh fish and its storage period is very short (considering the time of delivery to the customer).
  • Infectious diseases. Intestinal parasites and rubella are common fish diseases. Fish health must be monitored every 10-12 days. Control specimens are captured for testing, monitoring of growth in the number of population. If symptoms appear, then all this fish would be transferred to the therapeutic food.

If you want to find out more about the conditions of farming, then you can look at these articles: farming trouts and tropical fishes.

Additional income for fish farms in natural conditions

If the fish is growing in natural conditions, such as ponds and large reservoirs, then it is possible to make an extra income. Fish farming could become a profitable business which would not only delight you, but also make you far richer. Remember that organizing a fishing trip could give an additional income for the farm. However, it is necessary to consider the structure of the pond and paths for people to get there.